A Lot of Misinformation on Malware and Ransomware Prevention

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding how to prevent new malware infections, especially ransomware. A lot of the rhetoric is around “ensuring your anti-virus is up to date”. While making sure your current anti-virus solution is fully up-to-date, is of course good advice, this does not take into account the fact, that your current […]

Will Your Backup Withstand a Ransomware Attack?

It’s always wise to back up files regularly. But a recent development in cyberspace makes it more important than ever – ransomware.  Ransomware is an increasingly dangerous form of malware that encrypts data and makes it unrecoverable unless a ransom is paid. Those logging onto infected systems are served up a notice telling them that […]

Cyber Threats Are Not Just Increasing, but Mutating… Irish SME’s are an Easy Target

Not a week goes by and there is some big news item on the latest company that got hacked or had their data stolen. It’s now such a regular occurrence that it’s becoming ‘almost normal’. According to Forrester Research, cyber threats and security outbreaks are not just increasing, they’re mutating. Highly skilled, well-funded, organised cyber-criminals […]

Taking Risks with Cybersecurity… How Can this Change?

It’s worth understanding the questions you need answers to during a security breach to better understand the growing risks that new cyber threats pose to businesses.   Three Questions you need answers on during a Security Breach What was the original source of the attack and what has happened? Who was infected first? What has […]

Ransomware attacks will continue to grow in 2017

Ransomware usually encrypts data on victims pc or laptop and will usually try to encrypt network servers if the victims pc is on a network. It will then prompt the victim to pay a ransom, usually in the form of Bitcoin. Ransomware has become increasingly popular as a weapon with which to extort money from […]

Ireland is a top target for Ransomware 2017

Ireland is a top target for Ransomware 2017 The list you do not want to be on, but the fact is Ireland is near the top of the list as targets for Ransomware in 2017. One particular type of attack called “Nemucod” is one of the most aggressive and prevalent and Irish business ranks no2 […]